"While I dance, I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole.
This is why I dance."
Hans Bro
Welcome to our
dance family!
To be moved and to move to sound is inherent in each of us - it is a part of who we are! At Dallas West Dance Centre, we recognize the intrinsic connection each and every one of us shares with music and dance, and we welcome ALL dancers!
Whether your goal is to dance competitively on a team, prepare for a college or professional career, train to become a dance instructor or choreographer, or to dance for the sheer joy of it, DWDC shares with you a passion and great love for dance as an art form, challenging sport, and form of growth and self-expression.
Whatever your dance goals, DWDC offers high-quality, technically sound, innovative, experienced instruction, and supportive, inclusive guidance in helping you reach your dance dreams!
Our dance year consists of 2 sessions: 1) Fall/Spring session and 2) Summer session. All Fall/Spring, school-year session will consists of a 9 1/2-month session, beginning in late August and ending with our annual recital in late May/early June. Dancers will be enrolled for an entire session, unless 30-day notice is given. Enrollment ends on the last day of each session; re-enrollment is required for the next session.
Our dancers will have the amazing and unforgettable experience of participating in our annual showcase in late May/early June (date TBD). All recital info will be available Fall 2024!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions!
"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing.
It is the rhythm of your life."
Jacques D'Amboise